Dennistoun Early Years Centre

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Communication with parents and families

How we communicate with parents and families

We have many ways we communicate information to parents and keep parents informed about things happening in the nursery such as:

  • Seesaw-we regularly post updates and information. 
  • Text messaging parents
  • E-mailing parents- please ensure you provide us with an up to date e-mail address
  • Termly newsletters
  • Letters from nursery
  • Nursery handbook
  • Leaflets and information
  • Daily feedback from staff
  • Daily diaries in the baby room
  • Opportunities for parents to speak to staff or a manager
  • Parents meetings
  • Home learning links.
  • Translator service


We can make reasonable adjustments for any parent or carer who is unable to communicate with staff. This is to ensure that all parents have equal access and the same opportunities to be involved in the nursery and be consulted about their child’s education.