Dennistoun Early Years Centre

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Snack and the promotion of healthy eating habits

As a health promoting nursery we are committed to providing children with healthy choices for snacks and lunch. We actively promote healthy eating habits and teach children about foods that promote good and bad health. If you have any special dietary requirements please speak to your child’s key worker and ensure this information has been recorded within your child’s care plan. This will be discussed during your child’s enrolment. As a health promoting nursery and discourage children from eating sugary snacks. Only on very special occasions will the children have a small treat. Any parents with objections to this should let us know.

Allergies and Dietary Requirements

If your child has any diagnosed food allergies we are unable to offer any food until we have written confirmation from a medical professional with information about your child’s allergy. If your child has lunch provision at the nursery, please note they cannot stay for lunch until this information is provided and confirmed by Cordia who provide the school meals. Please speak to a manager if this applies to your child.


Children’s lunches are brought to the nursery from Sacred Heart Primary kitchen. Every day the children have two choices of main meals. The focus is on healthy home cooked food. The children have healthy choices such as fish, baked potatoes, pasta and rice dishes. If your child will be having lunch you will be provided with a meal plan to ensure you know what your child is having to eat in nursery. The menus are adapted to meet the needs of children taking into account a well balanced diet. 

Dental health

The nursery is part of the NHS Oral Health Team Smile Nursery Programme.

Good Oral health is regularly promoted within the nursery we have oral health events and awareness raising sessions throughout the year. The children who stay for lunch brush their teeth every day and learn about foods that promote good and bad oral health.

Further information about mealtimes and the promotion of healthy eating in nursery can be found by clicking the links below.